A Legacy of Excellence
Nestled on the scenic slopes of Hualalai Volcano, in the quaint town of Keauhou Mauka along the Kona Coast of the Big Island of Hawaii, lies Llanes Kona Coffee Estates. Founded by Sabas Llanes, this family-owned farm represents a legacy of passion and dedication that has been passed down through three generations.
In honor of their grandfather, the Llanes family continues the proud tradition of producing 100% Single Estate Kona Coffee. Each coffee cherry is handpicked at peak ripeness, then meticulously pulped, milled, roasted to order in small batches, and packaged entirely in-house. The result is an exquisite, 100% Pure Kona Coffee, crafted with care and commitment.
If Sabas were here today, he would undoubtedly be found in the place he cherished most—tending to his beloved Kona coffee farm, a living testament to his enduring legacy